Arrangement of the steering mechanism for the movement directly forward
Arrangement of the top tightening bolt of the elastic coupling
The horizontal arrangement of the top tightening bolt of the elastic coupling testifies to an ottsentrirovannost of the steering mechanism. |
At installation of forward wheels for the movement directly forward the distance between centers of bolts, fixing a connecting plate of steering thirsts for the steering mechanism and the center of an edge of the right fastening of steering transfer has to make 325,0 mm (see rice. An arrangement of the steering mechanism for the movement directly forward). In this situation top tightening the bolt of fastening of the elastic coupling has to be in horizontal position on a shaft of steering transfer (see rice. Arrangement of the top tightening bolt of the elastic coupling).
If the shift of a steering wheel makes more than 5 °, remove a steering wheel and establish it in the correct situation.