Vektr's Opel And + 1. Maintenance instruction + 1.1 Maintenance + 2. Engine + 3. Repair of DOHC engines + 4. Repair of the diesel engine + 5. Cooling system + 6. Fuel system + 7. The fuel and exhaust system of models with system of injection of fuel + 8. Exhaust system and system of decrease in toxicity of exhaust gases + 9. Fuel systems of the diesel engine - 10. Engine electrical systems 10.2. General information 10.3. System of ignition 10.4. Check of system of ignition 10.5. Rules of care of the accumulator 10.6. Check of the accumulator 10.7. Accumulator charging 10.8. Accumulator 10.9. System of charging 10:10. Generator 10:11. Driving belt of the generator 10:12. Removal and installation of the generator 10:13. Generator brushes 10:14. BOSCH generator 10:15. Small-sized DELCO-REMY generator 10:16. System of start of the engine 10:17. Starter 10:18. Removal and installation of a starter 10:19. Ignition coil 10:20. Cover and rotor of the distributor of ignition 10:21. Distributor of ignition (SOHC model) 10:22. Distributor of ignition (DOHC model) + 10:23. Repair of the distributor of ignition 10:24. Check and adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition 10:25. Fine tuning of the moment of ignition under the used fuel grade 10:26. Electronic modules 10:27. MSTS-i elements 10:28. Sensor of speed/provision of a bent shaft (model of 1,8 l) 10:29. Motronic system elements 10:30. Sensor of a detonation (DOHC model) 10:31. DIS module 10:32. Sensor of phases of the camshaft (C20 XE engine) 10:33. System of prestarting heating 10:34. Glow plugs + 11. Transmission + 12. Mechanical transmission + 13. Automatic transmission + 14. Power shafts + 15. Brake system + 16. Suspension bracket + 17. Body + 18. Electric equipment + 19. Check of malfunctions
System type
12 volts, the negative plug is connected to a car body
Accumulator capacity
36, 44, 55, 60 или 66 Ач
Degree of state of charge:
– low
12,5 B
– normal
12,6 B
– good
12,7 B
Bosch or Delco-Remy
The developed current
55 или 70 And
Minimum length of brushes:
– Bosch generator
Vystupany 5,0 mm
– Delco-Remy generator
Full length is 11,0 mm
Type (petrol engines)
Preliminary gearing with the coupling of a free wheeling Bosch or Delco-Remy
Minimum length of brushes:
– Bosch DF starter
11,5 mm
– Bosch DM starter
3,0 mm
– Bosch DW starter
4,5 mm
– Delco-Remy starter
4,0 mm
Type (diesel engines)
Preliminary gearing with the coupling of a free wheeling Bosch GF, Bosch DW or Hitachi
1,7 kW
Minimum admissible diameter of a collector:
– Bosch GF starter
33,5 mm
– Bosch DW starter
31,2 mm
– Hitachi starter
30,0 mm
Minimum length of brushes:
– Bosch GF starter
10,0 mm
– Bosch DW starter
8,0 mm
– Hitachi starter
10,0 mm
Type of system of ignition:
– 14 NV
HEI (Ignition with high energy)
– 16 SV and 18 SV
MSTS-i (Microprocessor system of ignition)
– C16 NZ, C16 NZ2 and C18 NZ
Multec with MSTS-i
– X16 SZ
Multec with DIS (System of direct ignition)
– 20 NE, C20 NE and 20SEN (till 1990)
Motronic M4.1
– 20 NE, C20 NE and 20SEN (since 1990)
Motronic M1.5
– 20 XEJ and C20 XE (till 1993)
Motronic M2.5
– C20 XE (since 1990)
Motronic M2.8
– X20 XEV
Simtec 56.1
Ignition coil
Tension of a secondary winding
16,0 – 20,0 kV
Resistance of primary winding (only DOHC models)
0,2 – 0,34 Ohms
Resistance of a secondary winding (only DOHC models)
7,2 – 8,2 Ohms
Ignition distributor
Direction of rotation of a rotor of the distributor of ignition
Counterclockwise, if to take a detached view covers
Operating procedure of cylinders
1 - 3 - 4 - 2 (the first cylinder is from a gear belt)
Initial corner of an advancing of ignition
– 14 NV
5 ° to VMT
– 16 SV, X16 SZ, C16 NZ, C16 NZ2 and C18 NZ
10 ° to VMT *
– l models 18 SV and 2,0
8 – 12 ° to VMT *
* The corner of an advancing of ignition is regulated by the control unit and manual adjustment is not provided.
Spark plugs
SOHC models
Champion RN7YCC or RN7YC
DOHC models:
– except C20 XE and X20 XEV
Champion RC9MMC
– C20 XE and X20 XEV
Vaulxhall P/N 90444724 (FR8LDC)
Interelectrode gap:
0,8 mm
0,7 mm
0,7 – 0,8 mm
Tightening moments
Fastening of the generator
25 Nanometer
Rotor of the sensor of phases of the camshaft
8 Nanometer
Bolt of the lower fastening of the generator of small-sized type
35 Nanometer
Bolt of the top fastening of the generator of small-sized type
20 Nanometer
DIS module
7 Nanometer
Spark plugs
25 nanometers
Arm of fastening of a starter to the block of cylinders
25 Nanometer
Fastening of a starter:
– l models 1,4 and 1,6
25 Nanometer
– l models 1,8 and 2,0:
• from the engine
45 Nanometer
• from the transmission
75 Nanometer
Glow plugs
20 Nanometer
The tire to glow plugs
4 Nanometer