The engine with four cylinders installed cross in a forward part of the car. Coupling and the transmission are located on the left side of the engine.
The block of cylinders is manufactured of aluminum alloy. The bent shaft leans on 5 main bearings. Persistent half rings are established on the third radical bearing.
In the lower heads of a rod inserts are established. Pistons fasten to rods piston fingers. Pistons from aluminum alloy also have three piston rings, two sealing and one oil scraper.
The camshaft located in the top part of a head of the block of cylinders puts a gear belt of the drive in action and operates valves through the hydraulic pushers located under camshaft cams. Lubricant of the engine is produced under pressure created by the oil pump. Oil is sucked in via the mesh filter located in an oil receiver and then comes via the external installed filter to canals of the block of the cylinder. From there oil arrives to коленчато му to a shaft and the camshaft. Bearings of the lower head of a rod are supplied with oil through internal drilling in a bent shaft. To camshaft bearings oil also moves under pressure. Distribute cams a telny shaft and the valve are oiled sprayed, also as well as all other mobile details of the engine. |