2. Disconnect electric sockets from the tape measuring instrument of mass of a stream of air and the sensor of temperature of the air coming to the engine.
3. Remove the top part of the air filter together with an air inlet and the measuring instrument of mass of a stream of air.
4. Weaken collars and remove the measuring instrument of mass of a stream of air from a vozdukhozaborna, at the same time note position of the measuring instrument of mass of a stream of air. In the presence of damages replace the block.
Connection of the tape measuring instrument of mass of a stream of air – Motronic M2.8
1 – electric socket of the tape measuring instrument of mass of a stream of air;
2 – the electric socket of the sensor of temperature of the air coming to the engine
Connection of an air inlet with the tape measuring instrument of mass of a stream of air – Motronic M2.8
Shooters showed grooves of combination of a vozdukhokhabornik with the air stream measuring instrument.